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What is Bandwidth in Web Hosting? | Unlimited Bandwidth?

what is bandwidth in web hosting

Today you’ll learn about what is the meaning of the term bandwidth in terms of hosting. Everyone who has little knowledge of web development knows about it, but people who are unaware of this term should learn the concept of bandwidth in web hosting. Because sooner or later, everyone will be shifting their business to the online world, and at that time, they should know about it.

Bandwidth Definition

Basically, bandwidth is the RAM (random access memory) of your website. The more the RAM is, the more fast your website will be. In other words, how much data is being used by your website is measured by bandwidth over a period of time.

Factors Affecting Bandwidth

There are many factors that affect the bandwidth of the website that are:


The number of people visiting your website is basically the traffic of your website.

Number of Resources

Resources mean the number of images, CSS, HTML, PDF, Videos, and other things that loads whenever a new user visits the website.

Bandwidth Calculator

While using the website, you should know how much data is consuming by your website or bandwidth used by the website. So, the formula is quite simple. Let me share a simple calculation.


bandwidth server

Let suppose you have a website with 100 visitors daily, your page size is 1.1 MB, and the timespan for bandwidth calculation is 30 days.
So the monthly bandwidth consumed by your website will be
100 visitors x 1.1 MB x 30 Days = 3.2 GB per month

How to Reduce Bandwidth Usage

A good website must have the quality of consuming a low bandwidth. But what to do if a website is using too much bandwidth? You might question whether there is any way of reducing the website’s bandwidth and making it faster? So don’t worry.
Here are some possible ways:

  • Image Compression
  • Large File Reduction
  • Usage of Content Delivery Network
  • Resource Size Reduction

Image Compression

Image optimization is the most important factor in reducing the bandwidth of the website. People mostly use the image as it is, which is not a good practice. Some photos are big in size, and some having heavy image extensions. Google also prioritizes those images having an image extension Webp and size in almost KBs.

If you are using WordPress as a CMS, then you can use different plugins for optimizing images. and if not, then you can upload optimized images

Large File Reduction

Large file reduction means that you have to use small file sizes on your websites, such as PDFs, Videos, icons, and other media.

Usage of Content Delivery Network

You can use the different content delivery networks, which reduces your server’s load, and speed will be optimized.
One of the Best CDN is Cloudflare.

Resources Size Reduction

The website mainly consists of HTTP, JavaScript, CSS, and others. These are the resource files of your website. So reducing the size of these resources through optimizing them will benefit a lot in reducing bandwidth.

If you are using WordPress as your CMS, you can use different plugins to minify CSS and remove the cache that will help your website.

How to Choose Bandwidth for a Website

When it comes to selection, people usually get stuck and cannot choose a hosting that provides an acceptable bandwidth for your website. But don’t you worry about that? It all depends on your traffic because traffic is the leading cause of choosing the hosting and bandwidth.

Bandwidth for website

Bandwidth should be unlimited, but in some cases, limited bandwidth also works. Usually, most websites provide unlimited bandwidth.
Here are some best service providers, including limited and unlimited bandwidth. You can get your deal done by visiting the links below.


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